Probe Mines Ltd.

McFauld's Lake

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McFauld's West

Project Summary

The McFauld's West project was staked in 2008 following the discovery of the Eagle's Nest deposit and the ensuing staking rush. The property represents a conceptual model based on the potential extension of structures which may control emplacement of the ultramafic conduit hosting nickel-rich massive sulphides at Eagle's Nest.

From Magnetic data, a northwest-trending structure is interpreted near the contact between the northeast-trending ultramafic horizon and the ultramafic intrusives identified at Eagle's Nest and on the adjacent Noront property. As a parallel, the McFauld's West claims were staked at the intersection of the projected northwesttrending structure and the regional magnetic contact approximately 2km to the northwest.

This contact between low (southeast) and high (northwest) magnetic character represents the division between the "Ring of Fire" and the "Central Dome". A number of isolated magnetic highs can be seen along this contact, and it was these that were targeted by staking. The McFauld's West property is considered to represent potential for structurally controlled emplacement of ultramafic intrusives, as is seen to the southwest, and therefore Ni-Cu-PGM mineralization.

A VTEM electromagnetic-magnetic ("EM") survey was completed in June 2010. The property covers magnetic anomalies situated along the projected extension of structures interpreted to be the conduits for the ultramafic magma responsible for the deposition of nickel-bearing massive sulphides. Results of the survey will be used to evaluate the property for potential nickel-copper massive sulphide targets which will be tested by follow-up drilling.

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