Probe Mines Ltd.

McFauld's Lake

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Project Summary

The Victory project represents Probe's largest property in the area. It is located along an over 70km long V-shaped greenstone belt projecting southeast from the central part of the McFauld's Lake Belt. It is our largest property comprised of 452 claims staked in 2 blocks - east and west. Its relationship to McFauld's is not well known and it may represent an associated belt or the southeast extension of the McFauld's Belt.

Probe is the first company to explore this property. Drilling along the belt has intersected a mixed volcanosedimentary environment similar to that identified on the Tamarack property. Mineralization is also similar, consisting of base metal-bearing massive and stringer sulphide zones hosted by altered felsic volcanics. Unlike the Tamarack property, sulphide mineralized argillites and graphitic argillites have been identified in the Victory volcanics.

Victory/Noranda Comparison Map
click on image to view enlarged
Exploration to date on the Victory properties has identified a prospective geological setting for both base metal VMS and potentially Cu-Ni MMS or chromite deposits. The Victory properties cover over 27km of prospective stratigraphy in the Victory belt and have, to date, only been tested by 27 drill holes. In 2008, a new, 39m thick sulphidemineralized ultramafic sill was discovered on Victory East, suggesting potential for nickel mineralization similar to that seen in the McFauld's Belt.

The aerial extent of Probe's land position in the Victory Belt is comparable to that of established VMS camps, most notably the Noranda area of Quebec, which contains numerous deposits and base metal occurrences. Similar to both Noranda and Matagami, which are characterized by multiple deposits within a VMS camp, exploration successes by Probe and others throughout the McFauld's area indicate camp potential in this region. To demonstrate the size of the Victory belt with respect to the Noranda Camp, the two areas are shown to scale in the diagram below. This figure shows the interpreted geology of the Victory project with known conductors at the same scale as the Noranda Camp. Note the similarity in distribution and stratigraphic control of conductors as well as the possible vertical "stacking".

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