Probe Mines Ltd.

Borden Lake

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Drill Results June 2011

On June 7, 2011, results for diamond drill holes BL11-29 to BL11-36 were received and have successfully extended the Borden Lake gold zone mineralization to approximately 1.2 kilometres in strike length. The mineralized zone remains open in both directions along strike and to depth.

Probe has now drilled over 14,000 metres in 62 holes (BL10-09 to BL11-70) and to date has tested approximately 1.6 kilometres of strike length along the zone, which remains open in all directions. A second drill has been added and drilling will continue testing the strike and depth extents of the gold zone until the full limits of the mineralized horizon have been tested.

Significant widths of gold mineralization were returned from all holes, including: a 127 metre interval averaging 0.8 g/t Au, containing a 21.6 metre section grading 1.4 g/t Au in Hole BL10-30; a 126.7 metre interval grading 0.8 g/t Au, including two sections of 15.4 and 14.7 metres averaging 1.4 g/t and 2.0 g/t Au, respectively in Hole BL11-32; and a 96.7 metre zone grading 0.8 g/t Au including 31.6 metres averaging 1.2 g/t Au in Hole BL11-36. The following table presents the highlights from the drilling.


DDH Section From (m) To (m) Width (m) Au (g/t)
BL11-29 200m SE 65.4 185.9 120.5 0.8
including 106.3 156.0 49.7 1.0
BL11-30 200m SE 70 197 127 0.8
including 88.5 157.6 69.1 0.9
including 136.0 157.6 21.6 1.4
BL11-31 300m SE 81 128.6 47.6 0.5
including 81 104.5 23.5 0.6
BL11-31 300m SE 195 200 5 0.8
BL11-32 300m SE 73 199.7 126.7 0.8
including 104.6 120 15.4 1.4
also including 149 163.7 14.7 2.0
BL11-33 400m SE 71.5 76 4.5 0.9
BL11-33 400m SE 123.5 206 82.5 0.6
including 123.5 188 64.5 0.7
including 144.7 151 6.3 1.0
BL11-34 400m SE 111 200 89 0.8
including 111 187 76 0.9
including 131.1 136.2 5.1 1.8
also including 151 171.6 20.6 1.4
BL11-36 500m SE 109 205.7 96.7 0.8
including 149.4 181 31.6 1.2
including 159 170.6 11.6 1.8


Results for diamond drill holes BL11-37 to BL11-48 were received and extended the Borden Lake gold zone mineralization along approximately 1,600 metres of strike length, while still remaining open in all directions. The program has now identified continuous gold mineralization along 1,600 metres of strike length from surface to vertical depths of up to 340 metres and contains intersections from 25 metres to over 200 metres wide.

Updated Borden Lake Plan View Map as of June 20, 2011
click on image to view enlarged


DDH Section From (m) To (m) Width (m) Au (g/t)
BL11-37 600m SE 99.8 198 98.2 0.5
including 138 153 15 0.9
including 138 147.1 9.1 1.4
BL11-38 600m SE 133 213 80 0.7
including 142 180.8 38.8 1.3
including 169 175.3 6.3 3.1
BL11-39 700m SE 42 43 1 11.4
BL11-39 139 154.3 15.3 0.6
BL11-39 173 201.6 28.6 0.7
BL11-40 (lost) 700m SE 25.4 36 10.6 0.5
BL11-41 700m SE 134 224 90 0.5
including 154.3 202 47.7 0.7
including 164 175 11 1.2
BL11-42 800m SE 31 34 3 4.2
BL11-42 149 210 61 0.4
including 149 171 22 0.5
also including 185 198 13 0.5
BL11-43 800m SE 158 202 44 0.9
including 158 192 34 1.1
BL11-44 600m SE 260 301.5 41.5 1.4
BL11-45 850m SE 120 168.5 48.5 0.4
including 148 168.5 20.5 0.6
BL11-46 600m SE 200 280.6 80.6 0.5
including 258 280.6 22.6 1.1
BL11-47 850m SE 16 19 3 3.8
BL11-47 118 195 77 0.5
including 140 160 20 0.9
including 149 160 11 1.2
BL11-48 750m SE 56.2 58 1.8 1.8
BL11-48 206.3 284 77.7 0.7
including 206.3 267 60.7 0.8
including 232 264.7 32.7 1.1
including 235 253 18 1.4

Drilling is ongoing and is focusing on expanding the limits of mineralization along strike and at depth as well as infilling the current 100m-spaced drill sections. The drill program is currently on Hole BL11-79, and is testing the 800m NW section which, by visual observation, has extended the mineralization to a 1,700m strike length.

Borden Lake 3D Plan View Map Completed Holes
click on image to view enlarged

With 78 holes completed, the program has now conducted sufficient drilling for the calculation of an NI 43-101-compliant initial resource estimate, which will begin when all of the assays have been received for the currently completed holes. The continuity and consistency of mineralization is expected to facilitate the generation of a resource estimate for the Borden Lake Zone.

  • Borden Lake 3D Drill Hole Video as of June 20, 2011